Friday, January 6, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The, well...

 Yes. Pics 2 whole days in a row. Now, don't get all worked up about it. Purely accidental I assure you. It was a now or never situation with getting these posted. As I may have mentioned a couple(thousand)times before, Christmas hasn't been my thingamajig for awhile now. And, if you have ever met me, you know that mornings are even less my idea of a good time than listening to Taylor Swift massacre Silent Night every time I go to the grocery store from Thanksgiving to New Years. I'm hoping you'll accept that as a good enough excuse for how abysmally our Christmas pics turned out. I actually wondered if I could have accidentally been high after I off-loaded these beauties. Then I wondered if I had also been drunk after spending an hour removing red-eye and adjusting the exposure on every. single. one. and still having this. Sigh.

The best thing about this one is all of the piles of crap surrounding everybody. Ahh. Christmas memories!
This one seemed like the red-eye was too appropriate to remove. If I could put a word bubble by her mouth it would say, "Thanks for the Kyle Busch pants but I think I'll be eating you now. Heh heh heh".

This one also seemed to need red-eye to complete the look Sam was going for. Notice the death grip of the scissors. Pretty sure he was considering their use on something other than the box.

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