Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Best Laid Plans...

Oh the grand plans I had this morning! For starters; I was going to get some shopping done, take and upload some sweet pics of my fabulous new crafty craft and finish the one I started last night. Foolish foolish girl. For a minute there, I forgot about how my life really works. The high point of my day was accidentally finding Sam the clothes-horse $6 shoes he would put on his feet without being under direct threat of bodily harm. Unfortunately it quickly rolled downhill past the part where I dumped Dr. Pepper into my SWEET green flower purse(I hope the trash can enjoys it as much as I did) and just kept going down, down, down. I'll spare you the gory details. Let's just say I've been sighing a lot today. I guess this is the part where you tell me that tomorrow is another day! I could try a round of the Glad Game too I suppose but I always thought Polyanna was kind of a dumbass. Sigh.

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