Friday, February 6, 2009

25 dumb boring things

I got tagged with this thing on facebook. It's full of stuff you should already know. After you are done, you are supposed to tag 25 more people but I am such a losser that I don't have that many friends. That is why I pasted it over here and now I am tagging all of you! Ha ha! It's too late. You've already read this so, get to it!

1. I love Coke/Pepsi/Mt. Dew whatever (Tim calls it the drink of life) more than my children on some days and, when very stressed, can consume mind boggling amounts of the stuff.
2. Mean people are funny.
3.I looove Nascar and can't even stand it when I miss all of the pre-race qualifying stuff that takes place days before the actual race.
4. I have a longstanding crush on Hugh Laurie and a new one on Mark Harmon. I like 'em mean, scruffy, ornery and talented apparently.
5. I love to scrapbook, paper craft etc... and would do it non-stop of I could manage it.
6.I read at least a couple of books a week and I read almost every kind of book I can get my hands on. Yes, even trashy romances. Some of them make me laugh so hard and you can read them in a couple of hours-what's not to love?
7. I listen to almost everything from Willie Nelson to AC/DC. Even Rap. I'm not a wuss like Annie. Go Public Enemy!
8. After all those years of complaining about Pleasant Grove, I love living in my little small town.
9. I curse like a truck driving sailor. In front of everybody but my sister Carey and my Dad and my perfect Bro.
10. I don't do strangers or even people I don't know well. (I also don't "do" strangers either but that's another list) I still don't know the name of my neighbor to the south of us and we have lived here almost 5 years. This is probably why I have had the same friends forever.
11. I still miss cigarettes on occasion and I still don't think they smell bad but don't tell my kids.
12. Just like Annie, I love coffee but, unlike Annie, I am pretty sure I am going to hell anyway so I drink it all the time.
13. I am a fiend with grammar but it goes completely by the wayside when I write a letter or e-mail or blogpost or something. Then I am the queen of run on sentences and the like.
14. I talk too much and have a tendency to ramble. Loudly. Even when I am talking to myself.
15. I hate Christmas.
16. I am hands down the dumbest person in my family. I know people say that but it's true. I bet my husband has got 20 points on me and my kids are even worse than that.
17. I am a pop-culture junkie and have an embarrassing amount of really useless (unless you're playing trivial pursuit) crap stored in my noggin'.(hmmm...this might help explain my lack of extra I.Q. points)
18. I have been a night owl for as long as I can remember and would still stay up until 4 in the morning and sleep until one in the afternoon if I could work it out.
19. Even if I have had 10 hours of sleep the night before, I am utterly useless before noon and don't really hit my stride until 4 or 5 p.m.
20. I am a horrible procrastinator.
21. Even if I won a million dollars tomorrow, I would still not get a cell phone until Turner made me. I haven't missed mine once.
22. I think Mystery Science Theater 3000 is one of the best things ever and probably quote it at least several times a day.
23. I am not one of those people that thought they were destined for motherhood. I wasn't even sure I wanted kids until, well, until I found out I was preggers. I am pretty sure that my kids got hosed in that department and if it weren't for their awsome father they'd be therapist bound wrecks.
24. I don't get embarrased that easily.
25. Hate Hate Shoes. I wear flip flops all year long(even to church) and only own two completely closed toed pairs of shoes. Yes-my feet are like pale leather.