Friday, May 25, 2012

Take Note

I feel like I haven't slept since the Clinton administration.
Note to self:
If you insist on consuming 32 ounces of Coke or 2 cups of coffee right before bed then you shouldn't be surprised when you wake up every 20 minutes to stare at the clock and listen to the loop in your head of  Beyonce singing "If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it."  You also need to keep in mind that this kind of behavior usually leads to the mid-morning nose smash into the arm of the couch. Losing sight of the fact that you're WAY too far past your sell-by date to do this kind of crap anymore will leave you helplessly face-down in a puddle of drool with the Single Ladies lyrics now distorted into such gems as "if it's stinky then you shouldn't have put your butt on it", "it's a toilet but you really shouldn't pee on it" and "that's my T.V. so you're never watching Glee on it". Really groundbreaking stuff there. Your Mother would be so proud.
 No Coke for you!

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