I swear that I do other things than watch reality t.v. crap. And I also swear to do my best to never mention it in a blog again. That being said, I think Rock of Love 2 has really taught me all I need to know to live my life the right way. And to think I nearly missed out on this important nugget of wisdom. I almost changed the channel because I couldn't handle watching that fake-lipped creep-fest Daisy crying all over the place because she still lives with her poser Nikki Sixx imitating ex-boyfriend. Not to mention the heebie-jeebies I was getting from the chick doing nude cart wheels on the lawn. After all the drama, Amber (the most normal seeming girl on the show-so she is probably a closet crack whore or is really a man or something) gave me the new scale on which I should judge the quality of my life. She said, "I'm not living with my ex-boyfriend, I didn't throw up in the trash can and I'm not a stripper. Yep. I'm good." When I am laying in bed at night, reviewing all of my mistakes of the day, this is what I should consider. If I can still say that none of these apply to me then I am going to consider my life going well indeed and sleep peacefully. I think I should make Tim use the same criteria so that we are on the same page. Now if I just forget the fact that this came from a chick that has had the good judgement to let Bret Michaels put his tongue in her mouth, everything will be perfect. Yep- I'm good.
P.S. Okay Granny, Nikki Sixx is the former coke fiend that also happens to be a member of Motley Crue. Jeez.
OMGosh! He DID look like Nikki Sixx!!! WTH?!?! You are totally right. After watching the mess that is Rock of Love (and truly, how could I miss it??)I only have one thing to say...I LOVE MY LIFE!
sad... so sad....
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