Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Day Ever!

Today has been a pretty typical day for me. I woke up feeling kinda sloshy in my head so I took a decongestant. Except I took a decogestant without realizing it had diphenhydramine in it. Who knew. If you know me, you know that I can't take diphenhydramine if I want to be coherent at all. So-instead of vacuuming the living room and going to Emily's for a nice little visit, I ended up passed out on the couch. I was so out of it that my sister called the house and I didn't even know it. Anyway, to make a long story short(too late!) I was a little spaced when I took the dog out to potty. I was waiting for her to do her business, just looking around-when I look down to see what is taking so long. And discover that the dog has sniffed out a flattened mouse that has probably been there for months because the whole back yard was still snowy and frozen over until this week when the nice warm temps turned it into a big lake. Said mouse is now in her mouth and she is happily chomping away. The only thing I could see was the tail hanging down. Yum. So there I am-looking around like someone is going to jump out of the bushes and offer to take care of this for me. When that doesn't happen I tell the dog to LEAVE IT! She is still a puppy and is not very good at leaving things alone. Especially something she really wants. She had been obsessively sniffing in this same spot since things started to melt so I'm thinking she REALLY wanted that mouse by now. I grab her jaw and make her drop it but she gets it back in her mouth before I can take it. We do this comedy routine 2 or 3 more times until I realize there is only one option open to me. I grab the tail that is hanging out and give it a yank. The only thing that happens is that my fingers slide right off. And, now they're covered in mud and 3 month old mouse slime. So I grab it more firmly and wrap the nasty tail around my fingers and pull as hard as I can. That worked. But now I'm standing in my muddy back yard holding a distinctly funky old flat mouse. I throw the dog in the dog run, muddy paws be darned; and make my way over to the trash can and chuck it in. The dog got an extra 15 minutes of outside time while I scrubbed my fingers with every soap in the house and debated with myself as to whether or not I should just cut off the tips of my fingers because I'll never be  able to eat with them again. Don't feel bad for the dog though. She got a nice little piece of skin to enjoy while I was in the house. I think we can put this one down in the best day ever journal.


Petersons said...

Why the hell did you take a picture! I'm sick.

Kim said...

GROSS!!!! but seriously looks a lot bigger than a mouse. I'm thinking I wouldn't eat with my fingers again also. Let me know how that goes.

Anonymous said...

Sick, sick, sick! Damn dog and their gross crap! Still makes me shudder and get a little throw up in my throat! Shell

esaye5 said...

that is nasty!!!