Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Um, well, I don't exactly know how to tell you this but-I ate a whole package of Starburst for breakfast. While listening to Roxette and Sir Mix-A-Lot. Don't tell anyone about that last part. It may not be possible to live down. Especially because I can't get "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hon." out of my head. Thanks.


Petersons said...

package, as in an entire bag? Or a row package?
I hate Roxette.

Anonymous said...

whoaaaaa, at least sir mix alot likes big butts :))

Casey said...

Wow...you may have hit a new low...the only thing that can save you is to come to my house with your sugary snacks and a bunch of caffeinated beverages and scrap!

Michelle said...

MMMMM....Starburst. Great, Now that song is stuck in my head too!!!