Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Plan

The other day I saw this bit on the news about some chick here in Utah that has a blog that is pretty famous. She has even been on Good Morning America(woo woo!) or something. Well the story is that she was always depressed and crap and blogging helped her turn her life around. She used to be a member of the church but now she hates it because apparently we are all a bunch of judgmental jerks that won't ever support depressed people because it means you are evil or something. And her parents are mean and didn't like it and blah blah blah. But NOW she has her own website and she and her hubby live on the income that she gets from it. Oy. I feel like an idiot because all of these years whenever I have had a hard time I just figured out a way to deal and didn't make the world suffer with me. Man am I stupid. So- I have a new plan. I am abandoning the whole bad poems and rambling drivel blog. I am going to be sad and whiny about eveything and all of you are going to send me money. Thats right. From now on it's boo hoo all of the time. Except when I am counting my cash, obviously. Of course this chick doesn't just blog about depressed crap all of the time anymore but I need to start out the same way she did to get the goods in the end. Maybe I'll get lucky and my blog will get me fired fom my job like hers did and then I won't have to deal with the fact that I am mostly going to hell because of some of the things that I say and think about most of the people there. Wow. That last sentence was a doozy. Do they give out prizes for most rambly run on sentence? Thank (boo) you (hoo) for (waaa) your (waaa) support. That will be five dollars please.


Krysta said...

She must not be that famous cause I've never heard of her or her blog. But I still think you should complain about the people at work :)

Anonymous said...

do you accept Pay Pal? ha ha ha ha ha

Kim said...

The check is in the mail.